School of Prophetic Evangelism

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School of
Prophetic Evangelism


The School of Prophetic Evangelism, providing continuing education courses in the field of biblical studies, will teach, equip and train believers/ministers to be prophetic evangelists who will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and demonstrate the power of God's kingdom.

Who Should Enroll

This School will Benefit...The remnant who wants to be trained for the end-times works of God.

A pastor seeking a God-given strategy to reach his community for Jesus Christ.

A Christian leader who wants to train followers who can shake their nation with the resurrection power of Christ.

A Christian Education leader who is looking for a curriculum to shape their students in learning how to work the works of God.

A Christian layman who wants to be used by God in his daily vocation.

Christian students who sense the need to supplement their secular education with anointed ministry training.

Believers who want to work the works of God by preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom demonstrating His power in the end-time spiritual harvest.